Tervueren breeders
- The Empress Guardian
- Grimmendans
- Of Hakinka's Home
- Van de Baarbeekhoeve
- The Actionfarm
- La Belgerie
- The Red Dragon
- Bois de la Lune
- Van de Pillendijk
- La Digue des Oisons
- van 't Herent
- Van de Leienevel - Erna Wellecan
- Hofke van Corbazi
- van de Vaardekenshoeve
- Lubanja's - Gwendolyne Van Bever
- Nashoba
- of the Home Port
- Les Loups du Shadog
- of Dark Brightness (The Netherlands)
- Del Castel Sardo - Annie Mulders (The Netherlands)
- van 't Hovenzate (The Netherlands)
- Jina Langu Ni (The Netherlands)
- van de Lamar (The Netherlands)
- Casyka's (The Netherlands)
- van Moned (The Netherlands)
- of Ginno's Home (The Netherlands)
- Danseur de la Rivière (The Netherlands)
- From Faya's Home (The Netherlands)
- Shepherds of Paradise (France)
- Masque d'Obsidienne (France)
- Bois du Tot (France)
- du Clos de la Guerpinerie (France)
- Revloch (UK)
- Corsini (UK)
- Luavjan's - Pietro Bottagisio (Italy)
Physical health & healthy food
- Cane Sano healthy dog food & snacks (Berlare, Belgium + online shop)
- Hondentrimsalon Indigo (Meise, Belgium)
- Hondentrimsalon Febeestig (Asse, Belgium)
- N&N Dogtrainers (Nieuwendijk, the Netherlands)